Jim, your resilience in the rapier blade saga is no more than mine in opposing some points i find hard to digest in it. They say one can only be a stubborn if his neighbor also is

Let me start by the Khanda. I now you have a vast library in your bookmobile and a heavy luggage of knowledge; whereas i only have two or three publications and an incipient experience, comparing to yours.
I will not put in my own wording my questioning your certainty towards the "whatever rapier blade format" fitting Indian blades, as well as their function. Instead i will bring a few authors to the stage, those i am sure you do know for ages, with the difference that i am potentially misinterpreting their texts.
Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
... fragmented European rapier blades used on katars led to a sidebar on rapier blade use in the pata and khanda of the Marathas.
... mounted in Maratha swords such as pata and khanda were more of a status oriented novelty for court type wear...