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Old 27th May 2019, 08:51 AM   #2
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Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 667

Yes, all of these are legit. I'm from Luzon.

Additionally, Filipino Traditional Blades (FTB) is the most accurate non-profit-oriented research hub right now for legit trad blades. To counter the misinformation spread by for-profit blade reproduction companies through fake/inaccurate historical claims regarding blade origins and usage.

The methodology of FTB is to interview traditional smiths and people on the ground, in the particular locality / setting where trad blades are found. It's a combination of oral/interview data superimposed against the institutional memory of smiths regarding the origin and function of trad blades. This has, in many cases, dispelled common misconceptions and fallacies regarding trad blades.

In my opinion, the research material that FTB has compiled is more accurate and authoritative that other written and uploaded material bout trad blades because they are able to directly immerse in the culture and atmosphere wherein these blades thrive.
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