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Old 25th May 2019, 11:39 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by ariel
The story of David and Goliath contains some fascinating hints of acromegaly in the latter.

His height was 6 cubits and a span, ~ 280cm ( ~ 9’ 2”) . That’s a mother of all gigantisms!

Now about the tumor:

If the tumor goes sideways, it affects nerves responsible for an eye movement. Thus , the afflicted person cannot move both eyes in a precisely coordinated fashion and develops double vision. And when and if it goes upward, the afflicted loses peripheral vision.

Goliath “ looked about” to find David, because he could see only a narrow field in front of him. For anything else he had to turn his eyes.

And here comes the punchline:

When he, looking sideways, finally located David approaching him with a shepherd’s staff, he said derisively: “Am I a dog that you are coming against me with sticks ( sic!) ?”

The point is , David carried only one stick:-)

Thus, the Bible tells us that Goliath had gigantism, loss of peripheral vision and double vision: he had a very big and invasive pituitary tumor producing GH
Now THAT is interesting! I always found bio-history or medical aspects of historical figures fascinating. Another case of the study of history and arms in tandem. Thank you!
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