Thread: Small Katar
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Old 24th May 2019, 07:43 PM   #25
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Jens Nordlunde
We can go on with this discussion for a very long time, but the fact is, that the katars/tulwars have the grip size they have - like it or not.

True, the discussion can go on a long time, but however specious it might seem it is good to see participants coming in with viable and supported observations on the topic of hand size, which was included in the original post here.

As has been mentioned, the size of sword grips typically with regard to Indian weapons, has been reviewed on numerous occasions, however these instances typically did not result in any serious investigation of note (in my opinion).

I always value these investigative discussions here as some great perspective can come out of them. Many collectors and members have ajendas which may not include discussing these kinds of aspects of arms study. I always do because I invariably learn from the input from others, as well as my own research which is prompted by the topic.

With that I would thank you for your always valuable contributions along with the others here which have given me, and I hope others, much better understanding of the circumstances plausibly connected to these size anomalies in arms.
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