Originally Posted by dana_w
I'm not ready to "dismount the barrel" but I doubt the owner information would be found there anyway...
I meant 'other' marks, not that of the one who signs the gun work. One other i know signed by Louis Lamotte has under the barrel 'Jean Merley St. Etienne', the actual barrel maker.
Originally Posted by dana_w
...The maker's name can also be found engraved forward of the trigger guard. Note the wear that supports the likely hood that this weapon was more than a wall hanger.
Mind you Dana, i am not (at all) trying to demote your perfectly operational blunderbuss to a 'wall hanger' status; only suggesting that you don't go out on a daily basis with such luxurious piece; like the coaches you see at the Lisbon National Museum

. Certainly the owners of these fine pieces had more mundane versions for current occasions ... says i
