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Old 8th May 2019, 12:06 PM   #4
fernando's Avatar
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You may chose between magnificent and superb, Dana !
I wouldn't mind having one of these instead of a handful of my blunderbusses.
Can you show us a close up of the frizzen face ... must be something amazing.
I wouldn't know if Jean-Louis was 'only' famous for his hunting weapons but, as publicized in the label you posted, Louis was able to "produce and sell a wide variety of weapons, from edged to firearms, including tromblons (blunderbusses); gold and silver mounted, as also in polished steel, as per English taste".
You know that these top luxury weapons didn't have to see field use, as they were mainly made to embellish the houses of rich customers. In a period when 'signs of wealth' were shown by having several (oil) paintings hanging in walls, these high end guns served the same purpose. Still today the term we use for closet, 'armoire' in French and 'armario' in Portuguese, derives from the term 'arms', which originally was where arms were hanging, those luxurious ones being well at sight, right as you entered wealthy residences. As said, not necessarily for use but, for exhibition.
Also to note some confusion out there with Louis having lived between 1747-1791, whereas that was the living dates of Jean-Louis.

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