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Old 29th April 2019, 10:10 PM   #10
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 102

Originally Posted by David
Damn! Some folks have all the luck. I would say this is a highly desirable piece indeed for kris collectors and your are quite lucky to have stumbled upon it.
I'm with Kai. More likely mid-19th century than earlier. I would say that definitely the kakatau pommel and possible the entire hilt is a later replacement though.
Great score though!
Thanks for the comments. So mid 19th C with a later 20th C replacement scabbard and hilt. The pommel and scabbard seem a fit so probably all done at same time and as the theory goes picked up around the WW2 period.

I will probably be letting it go in a month or two. Not my area of collecting.
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