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Old 29th April 2019, 08:46 AM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 102

Originally Posted by Battara
Actually this needs to go to the Ethno Forum and not the Keris Forum. Moderators please move this.

Now to your questions:

1. I would place this kris into the very early 1800s.

2. Maguindanao would be my guess on tribal origins.

3. The scabbard is unusual and not a common Maguindanao form.

A very nice piece especially with that great twist core!
Thanks for the response. This is good news on the blade and I suspect the rest is a later refit of the old blade. The twist core certainly gets people interested. The scabbard does not seem to be 19th C to me. But would make sense if made in the 1940s. The damage to the scabbard is recent -unfortunate as a result from someone hammering u-tacks (I removed them) into it to hang it I suppose - the cracking of the wood is fresh and the wood is not more than 80 years old. Also prior to the recent damage mentioned the scabbard seems to have had little damage if none. And is covered in a reddish varnish.
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