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Old 28th April 2019, 03:53 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
Good notes Stu, few really realize how dangerous guns were back 'in the old days' often more so to the guy using it. Naturally flintlocks could easily blow up if too excessive charge of powder. We never hear about those cases in accounts of battles.
I once visited a museum in Wyoming that featured lots of guns dug up in old battle sites etc. There were some revolvers of the Colt navy type (hard to tell as they were in bad shape) but had exploded when firing literally in the face of the guy shooting, it was noted he did not survive.

Fun thread!!! Good to have some humor here and not always so serious !
Maybe I should also have said that quite some years ago I was shooting with a friends Snieder rifle and the barrel burst. Not my fault luckily as it was his reloads which were responsible. However, one needs to be really careful with old weapons, and although I have ALWAYS been (perhaps) overcautious, accidents can still happen!
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