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Old 25th April 2019, 11:03 AM   #4
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I will certainly convey your impressions to my friend, Jim.
May i first remind you that, the absence of hallmarks is not so unprecedented; more in some countries than others, or more on basis of the artisan wanting to avoid proof house expenses, namely when his work is directly commissioned by a customer that trusts him and agrees to save the proof house costs. In a way, the same as with gun proofs, as mentioned in discussions now and then. Furthermore, if on one hand my said friend ignores the (country) origin of this work, he owns a family jeweler shop, for i doubt he would fail to discern that this tray is not made of silver.
For long time i know about a silver forum:
... where probably this stamp would be identified but, for my regret, my old time register has ended and my re-access has not been successful as, for some reason, the automatic activation link does not enter my email account as should.
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