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Old 23rd April 2019, 05:11 PM   #6
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Charles, this example is sublime, among the best, if not the best nimcha we have seen on this forum. Thank you for sharing!

As far as dating goes, the earliest reliably dated nimcha is one in the Rijksmuseum which belonged to Michiel de Ruyter, which places it in the mid 1600s:

Yours should not be much later than that, so perhaps late 17th or early 18th century, at least as far as the blade is concerned. The enameled mounts and the baldric could be later. There are examples of a 19th century enameled Moroccan saif scabbards in the sold section of Oriental Arms:

I do not know how early the enameling decorating technique made it to Morocco, but my guess is that you have an old 17th or 18th century sword remounted in the 19th century. Whoever did it, preserved the original form of the guard and the hilt. As you can see on the Rijksmueum sword, the original scabbards were made of cloth and leather and these materials tend to deteriorate unless stored in a perfect environment. Obviously it belonged to someone quite prominent, who loved this sword as much as you do. Most of the early nimchas we see are trophies taken during the conflicts between Habsburgs and Ottomans, and it is great tos ee one that appears to have remained in the Maghreb for a little while longer.

What a great sword!

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