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Old 23rd April 2019, 12:33 PM   #1
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Default A Very Nice Nimcha

I wanted to share this lovely nimcha with my forum "peeps". It has become one of my very favorite swords even though it far more "blingy" than I usually care for, and generally, I am no fan of enameling. Somehow this one "spoke" to me and I had been looking for this blade type for some time, just didn't expect it to be in so special a "package"

I believe the sword dates to at least the early 19th century, likely even earlier.

The sword features the older style nimcha "cutlass-like" short, curved blade. There is a maker's stamp to the forte. The hilt is heavy silver enameled in dark blue, light blue, and green. You'll note the enameling is considerably cruder than what we might expect to find with Persian and Indian enameled pieces. Every square inch is detailed in some manner. The heavy hilt gives the sword a very nice balance.

The scabbard mounts are en suite with intricate floral motifs highlighted by the enameling. There are four bands of Islamic script along the scabbard fittings.

The baldric is old, but not "born with" the sword, though their colors match perfectly and they look like a natural combination.

Nimchas of this blade type are the most difficult to come by and I dare say, mounted in this manner, even rarer.

Overall length:32in.
Blade length:25in.
Blade width at the forte: just under one inch
Blade's widest point: 1.75in.
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Last edited by CharlesS; 23rd April 2019 at 11:57 PM.
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