Someone has recommended using brown unpolished organic rice, poured down the scabbard, then soaked in water. the rice swells and pushes out dents in hard to reach objects like this. You wash out the rice with a hose or pressure washer when it is where you want it (and before it pops the seams*

The rice husks keep the rice from sticking together and becoming a sticky compressed block of rice epoxy. (the great wall was made with over-boiled rice paste as mortar & it's is still there, rice glue is quite common I hear in the orient, so using sticky rice is not a good idea). I am a bit reluctant to use these methods.
The deliberate anti-rattle device sounds good to me.
*- I recall reading about a wood hulled sailing cargo ship with a cargo of rice where they sprung a leak & did not realise it, they faithfully used a sounding rod to measure any water in the bilges each watch, and it didn't show any. The rice absorbed all the water, then suddenly burst he hull and it sank in a few minutes.