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Old 20th April 2019, 11:35 AM   #9
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Congratulations Donny & Rumpel.

Both you gentleman are far more perceptive than I am, or perhaps braver, or maybe both.

In the first pedang posted by Rumpel I believe I can see a pedang with a poorly made blade --- or possibly a blade that has been damaged and reshaped --- and a scabbard that shows evidence of Madura origin. However, I will agree that it could have come from a number of other places as well, including Lombok, for me there is not nearly enough evidence for me to say that this pedang definitely originated or was used in Lombok. If its provenance is known, this might be of assistance.

The second pedang posted by Rumpel has a Javanese style blade, which might mean it was mounted in Jawa, or it might mean it was mounted in some other place. Again, insufficient evidence to be definite about a geographic point of origin.

True, this style of pedang does occur in Lombok, and if we could definitely say that it originated, or was used in Lombok, it might be reasonable to say something like:-

"this style of pedang with native made blade and European hilt is known in Lombok as a "sundrik lombok""

and of course a citation, or simply a statement of personal experience.

For myself, even though I have owned and handled a very great number of these pedangs over the years I am pretty much unable to give a defensible opinion of geographic point of origin, unless there is some emblem or recognizable stylistic feature in the dress.

Personally, I feel it is rather brave to make flat, definite statements about the origin of any SE Asian artefact in the absence of very strong evidence or logical argument.

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 21st April 2019 at 12:39 AM. Reason: typo correction
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