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Old 15th April 2019, 04:06 AM   #40
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409

Thanks, Stephen. I couldn't get access to an English version via Archive ,only German, nor from Libgen.

Interesting apparent parallels between kaskara and Ethiopian broad swords, but yet several major differences as I interpret the Ethiopian terminology. Any relevant images in the Princeton book?

The afrengi types must be with foreign (European) blades. The fly, lion, and half moon markings are German and must have been imported well before the 1905-10 period. I'm surprised that 4-line fullers were specified. German & local blades with line fullers on kaskara were three and none that I know of had 4. I few had five, but they were most likely locally made outliers as noted in the Fullers essay.

In the EAA forum, many examples of the full length Kar/Khor were thought to have been made in Ethiopia. Some with two fairly wide fullers with Amharic letters inside. Kassala makers apparently copied Ethiopian designs on this type.

Thanks for sharing,
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