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Old 10th April 2019, 08:09 PM   #9
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
As already indicated the term Khidma and Khodaamah are Arabic words certain to be Algerian or Moroccan or closely influenced; possibly also a term used in Malta which has a language very much influenced by Arabic..In Arabic the word Khidma is used for service... or assistance which nicely describes the knife somewhere between a general purpose and work knife.
Kadaamah/Khodaama is the head servant in the household. Khodmi would mean my helper..

Thank you for that detail Ibrahiim!
Less than the 'metaphysical' angle I was looking toward, but this is more of an Occams Razor solution
I'd still like to see more examples of these, and look at some of the geometric devices and symbols on them.
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