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Old 8th April 2019, 06:59 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by xasterix
My apologies, am not aware of such a consensus...there are documented antique pinuti, sansibar, talibong, tabak, and minasbad that reach up to 30 inches blade length and more. Some of them are featured here somewhere. The longest non-kampilan traditional Filipino blade that I know of is the Ilokano talunasan. It has a 36-inch long blade.
What you say is undoubtably true over starting at some point in historic past, but my sense of what MaharlikaTimawa was questioning was whether they were capable of forging such swords at the time of Magellan. So showing an 100 year-old antique Talunasan from GM Giron family does not really answer the question of whether or not the blades that Magellan was finally hacked down with in 1521 were indeed kamplian. Does anyone have an evidence of kampilian that are actually THAT old. Not saying they didn't exist, but i have never seen the empirical evidence to support the claim.
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