Thread: Sunggingan
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Old 8th April 2019, 02:11 PM   #36
Anthony G.
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 470

Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
As somebody who does sell keris I'm a bit handicapped when it comes to posting photos of things, because for a few years now I've been selling items from my personal collection, and I do not wish to infringe the rules by posting pics of things that I might offer for sale at any time in the near future.

Then there is the other thing that I will not show the blade of any keris or other piece of tosan aji that I have no intention of selling.

So put together it means that there are not a whole lot of things that I can post pics of.

However, what I've posted here are pretty safe:- I have no intention of offering any of these items for sale in the near future, and you do not need to see blades to appreciate what I am showing.

Here are a few of my sunggingans.

What you see is a mix of older pieces and more recent ones that were done by Pak Legiman of Pajang in the late 1980's. Pak Legiman at the time was widely regarded as one of the finest sunggingan artists who had ever lived.


Dear Alan, I just have nose bleed. SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!
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