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Old 31st March 2019, 04:17 PM   #1
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Default Two bolos from the Mangyan on Mindoro

Hello dear members,

I want to show you two bolos from one of the Mangyan tribes ( on Mindoro which I've purchased from an older gentleman who lived on Mindoro in Viktoria from 2005 until 2010 and bought this bolos from the tribes when they passed his house or when he meet them at the market from Viktoria when they come down from the Mount Halcon. So are this bolos recent working bolos and not old or antique but IMHO very interesting ethnograhic items and since never before are bolos from the Mangyan are shown at this place I want to show them to people who may have interest to see them.

The smaller one is 45 cm long inside scabbard, 42,5 cm without and has a somewhat better forged blade.
The longer one is 47 cm inside scabbard and 46,5 cm without.
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Last edited by Sajen; 31st March 2019 at 04:29 PM.
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