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Old 30th March 2019, 04:48 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Sajen
Hi Xas,

I am sure that you are correct. But what will happen when a Moro have to fight against a man from an other culture? Before someone will get hidden from a blade to his body he will block the blow with his blade, I would do without any question, equal what I've learned!
Hi Detlef,

Not sure about that, as there are no weapon blocks in the MFA styles I've seen and heard of. The only allowable blocks I know of are arm, scabbard, and shield. Regarding fighting, I was trained not to approach enemies on a straight line of attack...that's why it's not likely that the Moro would need to block an opponent's blow. They go beyond the center line, under the opponent's attack, or are suddenly out of reach due to positioning.
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