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Old 29th March 2019, 06:10 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by mross
I know this may not be a popular opinion. I do not think any of the Panabas where primarily a fighting weapon. Status symbol, execution device, clean up weapon after a battle but not primarily a fighting weapon. Not to say it could not or would not be used under the right circumstance. I have several and have seen and held a few more, IMHO they are too cumbersome and slow to be used in battle. A kalis, barong or spear would put the user of a panabas at very severe disadvantage. I also do not believe in the fear argument that they where used to strike fear into their opponents. I do not see a Moro being very fearful of an opponent coming at him with a panabas. I could see him smiling as he knows he is about to make him meet his maker.
Hello Mross,

I agree with you complete. I don't know next to nothing about MFA but I could imagine such a small panabas as second hand weapon.
But it's for sure a very good farmer tool too.

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