Originally Posted by Robert
It was not my intent to infer that this style of panabas was ever meant to be used as a primary weapon in battle, but instead could have possibly been carried either as a secondary weapon or as you pointed out as a status symbol. I just do not believe that examples such as the one Detlef has shown here were made with the sole purpose of being used as nothing more than mere gardening tools. 
No argument at all. I never mentioned gardening tool I was trying to point out and guess I did not do so well, that I think status symbol is their primary purpose. I have read many statements that the panabas is a formidable weapon. This I disagree with. I think the panabas mentioned here is meant as a status symbol. I don't think anyone would take the time to engrave a weed cutter. Now something used for Betel nuts is a different story entirely. I can easily see that being blinged out to the max.