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Old 24th March 2019, 07:55 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by ariel
Personally, I think that the “righteous indignation” decision to travel ( as described here) makes very little practical sense: the trip will cost €60 for the tickets plus some more for travel meals plus a cab for the trip from the bus station to and from the auction house, but a whole day of life will be lost. Buyer’s “savings” come up to ~ €8 per hour, about as high as Burger King’s hamburger flipper’s minimal wage.

But still, a pox on both the auction and the shipping houses!
Hello Ariel,

For sure it makes very little practical sense. I would have ordered UPS or an other organization to pick it up over there but when they don't even pack it...
I'll start from my place in the evening with a meal before and sitting in the bus over night and arrive in Zürich early in the morning and will take the tram instead of a cab to the auction house, I will have one meal in Zürich before (which don't will be cheap) I go back with the bus at noon and arrive back in the next night in Dortmund, a big bottle of water and some bananas will be my victuals. It's worth the pox on the auction house and the shipping organisation.

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