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Old 24th March 2019, 03:58 PM   #22
Kmaddock's Avatar
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Ireland
Posts: 543

In Ireland I find shipping all very casual and easy from auction houses.

I have had 3 swords shipped and packed for 12 euro,
A pistol for 10 and lots of other such food deals, some even next day delivery.

I find the approach of ringing them directly being pleasant and not at all pushy works well.
I ask them to post or courier whichever is most convienent to them and never demand or ask for Quick delivery. Generally they are v prompt

I have never being refused and have several times when paying offered the auction more to pay for a bottle of wine as a thank you, some accept some don’t.

As for auction house fees in Ireland sellers fees after some negotiation come in at 15 % ,I have been quoted 25% but have gotten them down a bit and have stuck with my favorite auction house for several years and they have always honored our negotiated price.

For their commission the auction house I use, do in my opinion, do a good job, great publicity, very good photos and v good front of house staff with great access to professional experts in their field

I sell approx 15 items a year and they get good prices and have never given me any issues, they expose what I am selling to a very diverse international audience which I feel 15% is a v good price.

I bought one item for 50 euro from one auction house, put it in the car drove 3 km down the road got an expert opinion on the item and they sold it for 2100. Definitely worth the 15 % as it gives the stamp of approval and authority to the items you are selling. Sometimes I know more on what I am selling so I give them the facts which once they check it out gets included in the description. A symbiotic rather than a parasitic relationship.


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