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Old 14th March 2019, 08:07 AM   #2
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Posts: 667


Regarding your Luzon piece, I'd estimate it to be pre-WW2. The blade profile is called 'binacuco' or 'binakuko', and it's usually a utility blade. Several provinces in Luzon produce this kind of blade profile, so I can't pin down exactly where your blade comes from. I think it's one whole piece (and not re-hilted), I'm not knowledgeable on file-work but there are a lot of other examples that show the same hilt / blade profile configuration as yours.

Regarding your barung, the dents weren't likely from parrying. It's forbidden in BangsaMoro culture to do blade-on-blade contact; all attacks (or defense) were direct, there's no such things as blocks, except when holding a shield on the other hand. I'm not well-versed at estimating barung age yet, but I'd say WW2 to post WW2 is just about right.
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