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Old 3rd March 2019, 08:43 PM   #4
Kmaddock's Avatar
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Ireland
Posts: 543

Hi Kai
It has been terrible weather all day
Here are some additional pictures of the base of the blade on the Kalis
I had to use overhead light rather than outside light
Would you have any idea on age, and more specifics on where it is from
it is a lovely blade, I cleaned it up. I hate to take platina off old blades but the previous owner did a terrible sand papering and I had to get some 2000 and 3000 grade paper to it to remove the terrible scratches. I am happy how it came out now.
Kai think you are correct on the rhino horn being buffalo it is great carving though.
I will post more pictures of the handle later on for you Athanase
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