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Old 2nd March 2019, 12:23 AM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Ken,

I am thing a Panang from Indonesia, as the shorter one and the wavey bladed one a Philippine kris. Blade lengths 45 and 60 cm respectively

Also to help with ID is there specific area of the blades or handles to take images of, the panang as I am calling it is almost certainly rhino horn
Much more likely to be waterbuffalo horn (old pieces can look fibrous/translucent: none of these features is of any significance though - any smooth cross section visible?). Very nice carving, anyway!

This is a Sunda sword from western Java.

The other seems to be a kalis from Sulu. Please post a close-up of the base of the blade (make sure to take the pic from an exactly vertical position).

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