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Old 16th April 2006, 04:44 AM   #23
Jim McDougall
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More great info and threads Fernando, thank you!! I think you are right, a smaller handy form would be more in line with the stealth needed in carrying out the activities of sicarri. As Jens mentioned earlier, such a smaller and curved form would be ideal for such purpose, but not likely in more conventional combat or defense.
It seems like references to sica/sickle and such blades with inside cutting edge may well have been for throat slashing, as Jens suggests, but also very effective at the upward sweep in abdominal attack, as noted by Rick.
One thought that comes with Fernando's note on the Dacian form of sica, it seems that I had read somewhere that the Dacians had sickle type edged weapons, and one drawing I had seen captioned it a Dacian 'razor' knife.
Best regards,
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