Thread: Another Dha?
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Old 4th February 2019, 12:25 PM   #5
Vikingsword Staff
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Hi Rick.

Sorry to come to this one late. We've been under extreme heat and bushfire alerts here, with not much time to read the forum.

As Wayne has said, this one is from the general area of northern Burma/NE Indian frontier/neighboring Yunnan. The main distinguishing features are: (a) the tri-partite Burmese style hilt that is commonly seen on Kachin dha of similar form, and (b) the long blade with a square end. The blade is longer than Kachin dha, and similar to those seen in parts of Assam and nearby areas, although those are usually carried in open-faced scabbards. The scabbard on this one is closed, in the Burmese style, and as Wayne suggests is probably from northern Burma or neighboring Yunnan.

A nice old example.

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