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Old 1st February 2019, 10:30 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by xasterix
All the credit belongs to the Filipino Traditional Blades team, who have worked tirelessly and pro bono; they've done all the legwork. Like you, I just benefit from their generosity in sharing these data
Thanks for clearing this up. What i am about to say does not mean that i believe these categories are incorrect or should not be taken into account. Certainly someone did some research here. Still, this is a commercial company seeking to sell it's product and it is in there best interest to have very specific names and stories for each of the variety of weapons that they sell. The American owner of this company apparently has his own ties to Pekiti-Tirsia Kali martial arts and is guided by this particular school of thought. I did try to do a little research on TFW, but it does not seem possible to find any information about how they determined all the very specific names hundreds of different varieties of edged weapons they make and sell. Some of their modern examples of known varieties of antique weapons look fairly close to form, while others seem well off the mark as far as i can tell. So while it is interesting to find very specific names to variations on the talibong or tenegre is is difficult for me not to apply at least a gain of salt to the information.
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