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Old 31st January 2019, 04:13 PM   #8
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Thank you Xasterix, special for proving the exact name of the blade profile. The sword is without scabbard 621 gram and tip-weighted, fast and nice in the hand. At my scabbard are missing two brass bands which have been in up and down over the leather throat, you can see it by the different patination. When you wish I can take some new pictures at weekend.
I would try carefully to bring back in original form the guard of the handle. It seems to be made from thin sheet so it will be good possible. By the thin guard and scabbbard style I would date yours to the mid of 20th century, my one around the turn of the centuries. Yours is a very nice good example from this time frame. I have a similar example, maybe a little later as yours and not so nice but sadly can't provide pictures since it isn't in my hands in the moment.

Best regards,

Last edited by Sajen; 31st January 2019 at 04:33 PM.
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