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Old 30th January 2019, 03:53 AM   #1
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Posts: 667
Default Looking vintage and antique samples of Talibong of Panay Island

Greetings everyone, hope you and your blades are doing OK.

I've recently acquired a blade that was ID'd as an Iloilo Talibong with a Binukay handle and Linamay blade profile [Linamay-Binukay], circa 1970s, made most likely by the Panay Bukidnon tribe. Would very much appreciate if other members can share their blades from Panay Island, especially vintage and antique ones.

I believe that 'talibong' is similar to 'sundang' and 'itak'- it's a general term across Visayas that simply means 'blade'. In Panay island, a 'talibong' may also refer to a fighting blade.

For reference, here's a link to the 'Filipino Traditional Blades' FB page with a sample of Panay Island talibongs (the names included are the smiths who made them) and their corresponding IDs, indicated as [blade profile - figural head name or utility]
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