Regarding Roman gladiatorial weapons: one of the most famous talmudic personalities, Rabbi Resh Lakish, used (before his turn to religious life) to be a rather famous "robber". Since other famous Rabbis never despised him and one even gave him his sister for a wife, the assumption is that he was an anti-Roman guerilla rather than a highway bandit. Nevertheless, even after becoming a Rabbi, the old ways beckoned hard, and he, from time to time, hired himself out as a gladiator. Strange and complex people one can find there...
This being the case, it is likely that anti-Roman Sicarii used traditional Roman weapons. At that time, Judea was under foreign control for at least 300-400 years (Greek-Syrian and then Roman), and the weapons in use were cosmopolitan.
Last edited by ariel; 15th April 2006 at 11:26 AM.