Thread: Afghan Pistol
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Old 22nd January 2019, 03:14 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by corrado26
... Fitting work marks show that all parts of this pistol belong together. They have been struck after dismantling the pistol for further processes and make sure that at the final assembly the right parts of a pistol find together again...
The same principle, but used in a different timeline. Before precision technology appeared, parts were marked in their original assembly as to adjust (file) them to fit each other and, at a later stage, the system was used to assure that, after being dismounted, they could be correctly remounted when picking them from among many others that were disassembled in the same session, like in barracks armor depots or in war scenes. They say that Samuel Colt took advantage of this system to help convincing American (and not only) army authorities to commission his contracts; his guns were thoroughly marked part by part. In a humoristic (realistic ?) note, soldiers in the field got drunk while cleaning their pistols and would not discern which were the parts of each either's guns.

Originally Posted by corrado26
... As you can see in post #24 there are different marks at the stock and the barrel, what is proof that these parts came from different pistols, what was normal, when surplus parts have been in use to produce arms of a low quality...
The barrel in post #24 has nothing to do with the discussed pistol; was one of my collection to illustrate (*) how assembly marks were applied in the various gun parts, including barrels.

On a further note, suppose the barrel smiths make a series of barrels and sends them to the assembly workshop. As they have been made by hand, it is inevitable that they have millimetrical differences. So the stock smith files the wood here and there to match it with a determined barrel; and after that he marks the wood with the same mark that comes with each barrel ... and that's it.


Last edited by fernando; 22nd January 2019 at 03:26 PM. Reason: text addition
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