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Old 15th January 2019, 01:56 AM   #6
Chris Evans
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 685

Hi Alex,

Thanks for the photo.

You have a very interesting and somewhat unusual high quality knife pertaining to the Pampean regions of South America.

It is in all probability an old one, with an English trade blade mounted by a local silversmith, though it cannot be ruled out that it was made to order elsewhere, as many in use in that part of the world were.

The original owner of this knife would have been a man of some wealth and status as they were the only ones who could afford such a fine piece.

By modern Argentinean classification, it is a "facon" and not being a working knife, the ownership of these in the course of the 19th century was highly discouraged, effectively banned, for all except the military, ranch owners and their overseers.

I looked through two lavishly illustrated reference books, one being Domenech's Dagas De Plata, and could not find one quite like it, the unusual part being the elaborate handguard/quillons; Local silversmiths favouring a guard fashioned from a flat piece of metal.

Could you perhaps tell us where you obtained it from?

If you like a more positive identification, I suggest that you write to Mr Abel Domenech in Argentina, who can be contacted at

Abel has a fluent command of English and has helped forum members in the past. His website is

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