Thread: 1442 Barong
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Old 9th January 2019, 11:05 AM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Bill,

I'm with Robert - very nice Yakan barong! Also the scabbard looks genuine. Any age guess for the latter?

This piece has a shandigan blade correct?
If this has a thickened edge, it appears to be well worn; this blade may also be one of those with originally less taper from back to edge and, thus, more distinct sharpened edge. Kinda semi-shandigan?

If not too much trouble could you post the measurements to go with the photos for later reference.
Yes, please!

One last question, do you plan to reset the blade to the correct depth in the hilt or will you leave it as is?
Horn is prone to shrinkage; I'm not sure this is the only reason though.

I agree that it would be good to try to set the blade (and ferrules) if it can be done without invasive actions.

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