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Old 13th April 2006, 06:47 PM   #11
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Yes Ariel, Rielish qeriyoth.
But i had read that this was considered to be inconclusive, by modern Theologists and Bible exegetists, as not seeing much sense in a guy being named as from the place, and not as from such a place. The alternatives are that he was from an actual place in Samaria called Sycharis, hence ’sychar” [isch’sycar], the man of Sychar, allowing toponímy ‘ischarioth”.
On the other hand, some other experts do not exclude that he was named after Sicarii/Sicarius, in a non friendly association with the dagger circuit.
I came to see this version as a more plausible one, but not excluding that both versions could have existed, like Romans and non followers making a melange of both terms and atributions.
Sorry, this doesn't help to find details about the Sica.
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