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Old 5th January 2019, 11:08 PM   #10
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Hello Detlef,

it's not so complicated like you think!
Well, I posit it's also not as easy as it seems...

See the both attached pictures, the first show a typical Bugis badik, I've attached a 90° chevron under the handle, second picture show a typical Javanese badik which has a chevron clearly over 90° like the badik in question.
I'm only speaking of the hilt type on the right; the left is different (angles, proportions, etc.) and also known from Sumatra. With the Bugis diaspora all over the place, it may be difficult to distinguish between Bugis examples and localized adaptations though.

The curved blades make it difficult to measure the angle; the hilt on the right side is close to 135° (the other is not really comparable but the base of the blade or tang is about 100°, or about 90° when following the whole blade).

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