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Old 23rd December 2018, 08:11 PM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Séverin,

Nice grab!

Another Sumatran?/Malay? strange dagger.

The blade look like beladau blade but the hilt is very different.
The blade also looks like the Lawi Ayam but I do not really know this family of weapons and I think that the blade may not be curved enough to be classified as Lawi Ayam.
Certainly not a lawi ayam or korambi.

The hilt clearly is a variant of a badik. The red color might point to a coastal Malay community if the scabbard is original.

The sheath is in Suamtran/Malay style (The true color of red wood is a little browner and darker), but the adjustment with the handle is not good, I feel that it may not be the original sheath.
Does the blade fit only very loosely?

If the blade feels suitable, it may just be a bit misaligned: It looks like it may have been shifted slightly upwards.

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