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Old 23rd December 2018, 05:02 PM   #131
Tim Simmons
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Your Fijian club looks rather late but still a very nice example. What a person writes in a book can become the definitive view for the unimaginative. In the 19th century the Fijians may well of danced with their clubs just as much as they spit head open with them. As I say your club does late. What I find far more interesting are the two other clubs far less common and at the time being I do not think they are Fijian, certainly the one with the decorated handle. I need some time to check. Really like the decorated one. I have sold all my Fijian clubs, many are far from rare even ubiquitous especially the Ulas but still command high prices here in the UK. The two interesting will be over looked.

ps. I have made up my mind the two nice clubs are not Fijian. They are from further east of the islands of Fiji
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