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Old 22nd December 2018, 03:36 PM   #130
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 1,250
Default Fijian KiaKavo Club & 2 others

I recently acquired several clubs; among these is what I believe to be a Fijian KiaKavo Club. These have been referred to by some as a "Dance Club," however this one is so massive & heavy that is not conducive to dancing; it measures 38" long and it has a 7" circumference on the smallest part of the handle.
I thought it to be an oddball, but once again VANDOO'S thread came to the rescue showing warriors holding similar huge clubs.
In regards to the other two items, at least one or both could be food pounders; they are very heavy and the measure approx. 24" long. Any help would be appreciated.
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