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Old 21st December 2018, 01:34 PM   #14
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Jose,

Ok here is the picture of the end of the hilt before restoration.
Thanks, that helps to put things into perspective!

BTW, if you ever get access to this part again, I'd be interested in a thin sliver of the wood (preferably cut with a razor) for identification purposes.

From the looks it seems that the wood surface exhibits some patina & wear: So, it wasn't freshly cut (nor a recent amputation of an older hilt). I reckon the current surface was never meant to be visible; otherwise, the hilt shape is pretty typical for the variant type (except for the scalloped pommel/top as you already mentioned; not all examples exhibit this feature though).

My best bet would be that this hilt was fully covered with silver of which the top got lost sometime during use.

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