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Old 18th December 2018, 09:04 AM   #2
kahnjar1's Avatar
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Default Afghani???

Hi Montagnard,
Interesting old matchlock but I am not sure about calling it a Torador. The stock shape is not quite right for Indian Toradors but more IMHO resembles a matchlock from Afghanistan. The dent underneath could be to attach or house a folding bipod sometimes found on these guns, and there appears (from your pic reproduced below) to be a hole just forward of the dent which could hold the "swivel" (or maybe a sling ring).
The stock is IMHO unlikely to be bamboo but rather some local wood. Rattan barrel bands are often seen on guns from this region, and also on Toradors from India. Stocks are often made in more than one part as yours would appear to be by the "dovetailed" joint you show in your pics, and these joints are usually hidden by a wide brass or iron band. A combination of barrel band material is not uncommon either. Could be a mix of iron, brass,rattan or just wire, on one gun.
As you say the condition is not the best but as far as I can see it would restore well with a bit of TLC and patience.
If you have any specific questions you could PM me, or email
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Last edited by kahnjar1; 18th December 2018 at 07:01 PM.
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