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Old 18th December 2018, 01:54 AM   #12
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by Kmaddock
Looks like the trigger is bar I have labeled 1 which activates sear as I have indicated, actions 2, 3 and 4 then follow.
am i correct ?

I know the lamp is british victorian from the 1870-1900 as issued to on the beat police men
I still have my great grand fathers one at home, they used whale oil as the flammable substance.

The torque on firing would have been vicious with the hand being so far horizontal up from the muzzel.

I wonder if it was ever seriously uses

thanks for image


Ken, most interesting! Your great grandfather was a policeman in those days......that must be some exciting history. So you say these were actually issued? As you have well noted, actual use must have had challenges and it would be great to know if actual use occurred.
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