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Old 13th December 2018, 03:58 PM   #14
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

Hi Eftihis

That is a very interesting musket. As Stu mentioned, the stock shape is done very much in Ottoman/Turkish fashion. But as Kubur mentioned, the decoration does indeed remind me of Tunisian. The lock is definitely a Portuguese variant. Probably made for export. And the Link provided above which included Philip's comprehensive post is most helpful.

Eftihis: Could you post a close-up photo of the lock ? If possible, an outside, inside, and top views ?

Again, a really nice and interesting shoulder gun. Could have been made for a Tunisian customer using a variety of parts available.

Here is a pic of the later made, cheap quality copies made for the African continent. This one is in working order, but took some work. LOL

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