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Old 11th December 2018, 08:12 PM   #9
kahnjar1's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Kubur
Ok I own you some explanations.
Yes the butt / stock is probably Turkish or from the Balkans.
The lock is Sardinian according to Tirri but I think more at a Spanish or a Portuguese lock. The decoration is pure Tunisian.
Now if you don't have it, buy Elgood's book on the Balkans, he explains how Ottoman guns were exported to North Africa and Tunisia and fitted for the local market.
So yes this gun is Tunisian but with some pieces from all over the Meditteranean. Look at the so-called Ottoman Balkans guns they are fitted with Italian lock and canons, but they are not Italians...
I hope that I manged to convince you...
Hi Kubur,
If you refer to the original question by Eftihis, he is asking where this gun ORIGINATES. It may have Tunisian decoration but that does not answer his question.
The lock on the subject gun is not Sardinian. I show here pics of the lock on my Sardinian gun and you will see that it is entirely different from that on Eftihis' gun, and YES I do have Elgood's book on Greek/Balkan guns and note that the Ottomans and indeed many countries exported guns.
Attached Images
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