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Old 28th November 2018, 01:01 PM   #2
Vikingsword Staff
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Default FTB (part II)

These pictures relate to Visayan swords and knives.

The first shows a collection of recently made swords from Panay.
1. Linamay Utility (Culasi, Antique: Arthuro Martizano)
2. Linamay-Sapot (Tapaz, Capiz : Panay Bukidnon Tribe)
3. Linamay-Sapot (Libacao, Aklan : Nono Teodosio)
4. Linamay-Inilong (Libacao, Aklan : Nono Teodosio)
5. Kinampit-Sapot (Libacao, Aklan : Nono Teodosio)
6. Ginunting-Bakunawa (Sibalom, Antique : Toto Melocores/ Noy Pakit)
7. Ginunting (Bongbongan, Sibalom Antique : Unknown)
8. Ginunting- Utility (Culasi, Antique : Arthuro Martizano)
9. Bakutan - Inyutan (Libacao, Aklan : Joselito Redecio Jr.)
10. Bakutan - Bakunawa (Sibalom, Antique : Toto Melocores/ Noy Pakit)
11. Bakutan - Bakunawa (Culasi, Antique : Arthuro Martizano)
12. Bakutan (Bongbongan, Sibalom Antique : Unknown)
13. Bakutan (Odiong, Sibalom Antique : Tandog Blacksmiths)
The details provided are the names of the swords, the village or town where they were made, and the name of the panday. All very specific information about these recently made blades.

So far I have shown examples that all appear to be very helpful, with clear information. The next two pictures introduce some ambiguity.
The first one had the following description:
Taribong and Binalhag of Mabini, Western Samar
The second had the following:
Taribong and Sansibar of Albuera, Leyte
Now the sword labeled taribong (which appears to be synonymous with talibong) is the same sword in each picture, but it is given two different origins. Are these swords from Leyte or Samar? The two islands lie side by side in the eastern Visayas, so the distinction may not be all that important (except to those who live there), but one of these pictures seems to be mislabeled.
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