Thread: Visayan barong?
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Old 25th November 2018, 06:03 AM   #6
Vikingsword Staff
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I think we are in the realm of high speculation about the possible use of Moro weapons by people living in the Visayas. Anything is possible, but we really need written or pictorial evidence that this did indeed occur. The finding of Visayan elements on traditional Moro weapons is hardly surprising given the proximity of Visayans and Moros on Mindanao. However, such findings do not necessarily imply the use of those weapons by Visayans.

Remember too that not all Moros use the kampilan. It is a weapon mainly of Muslims living on Mindanao (the Maranao and Maguindanao groups), and is not favored by those living in the Sulu Archipelago. There are examples of groups living in Kalimantan who also use the kampilan (possibly the Sea Dayaks), and this may have been the route for introduction of the kampilan into Mindanao. Barung are favored in the Sulu Archipelago and less so on Mindanao, while various forms of the kris and panabas seem to have been popular throughout Moroland.

I would come back to the notion that fighting style and whom one is fighting will largely determine preferences in weapons. People living in the Visayas may not have come in contact with foes wielding long swords very often. Like many groups throughout the Philippines, their preference seems to have been for shorter swords, especially those designed to slice and chop rather than stab. I'm speaking in generalities of course, and there is always room for occasional variations and exceptions based on individual preference.

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