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Old 21st November 2018, 04:03 PM   #7
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 50

From an Indonesian friend (Actually, wife of a friend. He's American, she worked at the Indonesian embassy and lives in the US now)

Tombak (spear) Pendawa Lima (orig. five characters/brothers from the Mahabharata Hindu epic. In keris speak, it is the 5 undulations/curves in a keris)
Pamor Rembang. Pamor is the patterns of the blade, created because of the melding of two or more different iron (you are a smith, so I think you know what I am talking about, the pattern can look like the pattern when there is oil in water. Rembang is a small city in the northern part of East Java, it could indicate that's where the smith is, or the "school" or style. Pare is a city in the central part of East Java. It indicates two different cities hundreds of miles apart. The blade is from Rembang, but could be "assembled" in Pare, or it could be that the spear has been residing in Pare. The whole island of Java were once under the Kingdom of Kediri. It doesn't show dates. --Adiati
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