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Old 21st November 2018, 01:21 PM   #14
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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While not wishing to belabor this most poignant thread and topic, I have regretted not making an entry here earlier. It is a delicate subject, and as has been noted the debates on war are far beyond the purpose here.What is key is to remember those who answered the call to duty and most importantly, those who never returned.

I watched a most moving film last night, "The Water Diviner", starring Russell Crowe. It is about an Australian father whose sons were lost in the tragedy at Gallipoli in WWI, and his desperate quest to find their remains and bring them home. It portrays the anquish of loved ones as they not only suffer loss, but the need for closure.

We must never forget them, all who were lost, regardless of the specific war, battle, event, or even nationality.....may they rest in peace.
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